intuitive guidance + insightS readings
Embrace the wisdom within and uncover clear guidance, profound insights, and meaningful direction to illuminate your soul’s journey.

intuitive guidance + insights reading
Do you need clarity and insight about a specific situation?
Are you feeling lost and looking for some direction?
Would you like to make a decision from a space of love, wisdom, strength and deep inner knowing?
Are you interested in receiving guidance from your higher self, spirit guides and the angelic realm?
​If you answered yes to these questions, this reading is for you. This reading aims to help you feel confident, empowered, and inspired as you move along your soul's path.
An intuitive guidance & insights reading involves me connecting to your higher self, your spirit guides, the angelic realm, and sometimes even loved ones who have crossed over. Deep down within our souls, we usually know the answers we seek and the direction we should take.
Because we all have inner magic and intuition (our wisdom within) to help lead us as we move through our life journey. However, at times, we may wish to have more clarification and confirmation. Our wisdom within is a guiding force, often forgotten or clouded by life’s challenges.
Using oracle cards, clairsentience (sensing and feeling), and clairvoyance (seeing colours, visions, and symbols) - I tune into, channel, and translate healing, transforming, and loving messages. The messages you receive may provide insights into challenging situations, guide you during times of uncertainty, help you uncover new possibilities, and shed light on what your intuition already knows.​
The oracle deck used during the reading will be intuitively selected based on your question and will include one of the spreads below:​
Past Experience(s) / Current Situation / Possible Outcome
The Nature of Your Problem / The Cause / The Solution
Current Situation / Obstacle / Advice
Situation / Action / Outcome

It is important to understand that this intuitive guidance & insights reading is not a fortune-telling service. I do not provide straightforward yes or no answers. Nor can I predict specific future events, outcomes, or results.
My role is to shed light on the dynamics and energies influencing your life while offering guidance into the steps that may direct you towards a path of clarity, growth, balance, and harmony. When you receive an intuitive reading, my role is also to help you (re)discover, (re)claim, and (re)connect with the wisdom that already resides deep within your soul. Something that is often forgotten or clouded by life’s challenges. Even your doubts can create a barrier between you and your wisdom within, obscuring your connection to the inner intuition and magic that guides you, leaving you feeling uncertain and disconnected from your true self.
It’s essential to use your good judgment regarding the messages you receive. Does it resonate with you? Is it helpful? Will you choose to listen to it?
Remember, we all have free will. So, what you decide to do with the messages is up to you. But, for those with open minds and a willingness to grow, these readings can be hugely beneficial for personal development and spiritual growth - allowing you to move forward in your journey.
Video Options
This is a private 1-on-1 online reading. This 30-minute session will involve a 3-card spread.
The video option for this reading is Zoho Meetings.
No sign-up is required to use this platform, but an app needs to be downloaded if you are using your smartphone.
PRICE: $55.00 (CAD)
PAYMENT OPTIONS: PayPal or e-transfer*
This is a private 1-on-1 online reading. This 60-minute session will involve a 9-card spread.
The video option for this reading is Zoho Meetings.
No sign-up is required to use this platform, but an app needs to be downloaded if you are using your smartphone.
PRICE: $100.00 (CAD)
PAYMENT OPTIONS: PayPal or e-transfer*
* If you are not comfortable with using the PayPal service, you can contact Christine at, and an e-transfer payment can be arranged. You will receive a response within 48 hours.

STEP 01 - Click on the 'BOOK, PLEASE!' button.
STEP 02 - Choose a date and time, then click on the 'NEXT' button.
STEP 03 - Fill out your details, then click on 'BOOK NOW' button.
STEP 04 - Review your payment, then click on the 'CONTINUE' button.
STEP 05 - Make your payment.
STEP 06 - Once payment has been received, you will be sent a video link.
Your Email Reading
You will receive a 3-card reading in a customized PDF booklet delivered to your inbox within 7-10 days after purchase.
Your personalized PDF booklet includes:
- An introduction to your reading.
- A list of crystals used during your reading.
- A picture of your card spread.
- A picture of each card with your messages.
You will be asked to type in your question before checkout. If you do not have a specific question, it can be left open for a general reading.
Includes an optional 15-minute follow-up video call to review your customized PDF booklet and ask any clarification questions that you may have.
You must make full payment online before you can receive your email reading.
PRICE: $55.00 (CAD)
PAYMENT OPTIONS: PayPal or e-transfer*
* If you are not comfortable with using the PayPal service, you can contact Christine at, and an e-transfer payment can be arranged.
You will receive a response within 48 hours.

STEP 01 - Click on the 'purchase, please' button.
STEP 02 - Answer the questions on the service page and click on the 'next' button.
STEP 03 - Fill out your contact details and make payment.
STEP 04 - Send a picture of yourself. Please note that submitting a picture of yourself is not mandatory. However, submitting a picture of yourself (no other people or pets) can assist me with connecting to your energies, higher self and your spiritual team.
STEP 05 - Receive your email reading within 7 to 10 days.​​
asked questions
What is the best way to ask a question?It's best to ask your question by using how, what, or why. Avoid using a yes/no question as they don’t leave much room to offer meaningful guidance, information and insights.
How do I know if this reading is right for me?An Intuitive Insights + Guidance Reading is for you if: - You are ready to make some shifts or changes in your life, but you are unsure what the next steps are​. Readings can help give clarity and put things into perspective. ​- You need confirmation and clarity to help trust your intuitive vibes. It's a way of checking in and having a heart-to-heart with your higher self, spirit guides and the angelic realm. ​- You feel like you are stuck or are in a rut. An oracle card reading can expose your blocks and barriers, helping you figure out what's going on so you can take the next steps to move forward. ​- You are open to hearing whatever messages the oracle cards have for you. Sometimes, it helps to be aware of what the angelic realm, your spirit guides, and the Universe want you to know - instead of only wanting to hear what you think you want to know.
If I'm purchasing an email reading, why do I need to email a picture of myself?Please note that submitting a picture of yourself is not mandatory. However, submitting a picture of yourself (no other people or pets) can assist me with connecting to your energies, higher self and your spiritual team. You can email your picture to or Facebook messenger. Your picture will be kept private and confidential and will be deleted once your reading is completed.
Do you record the video readings?I don't record readings because the energy that comes through can affect the recording. I prefer to keep the session live and present, ensuring the energy stays pure and undisturbed.
Do you offer refunds or exchanges?No; due to the energetic nature and sacred space of this work, there are no refunds or exchanges.
Do readings predict the future?No; intuitive channelled readings do not predict the future, which is a common misconception. Remember, we all have free will. Nothing in life is set in stone, and the future is something you create yourself. So what you choose to do with the messages and information is up to you.
What type of questions are not allowed?You cannot ask a direct question about anonther person (ex: Why did Johnny break up with me?) or on behalf of another person (ex: “Is Johnny going to get the job he wants?). This is an invasion of another person's sacred energy and free will. Also, as a professional, this goes a code of ethics. Remember, the reading is meant to provide support and guidance for YOUR journey! I also do not answer any medical, legal or financial questions.
How do I know if a reading is not for me?An Intuitive Guidance + Insight Reading is now for you is: - You are not ready to make some shifts or changes in your life. ​- You want a reading to predict your exact future. Remember, we all have free will. Nothing in life is set in stone, and the future is something you create yourself. ​ - You are not willing to expose your blocks and barriers to help you figure out what's going on so you can take the next steps to move forward ​- You are not open to hearing what messages your spirit guides, the angelic realm, and loved ones who have crossed over have for you.
Do you offer refunds or exchanges?No; due to the energetic nature of this work, there are no refunds or exchanges.
How do I know if this reading is not for me?This reading is not for you if: - You are not ready to make some shifts or changes in your life. ​- You want a reading to predict your exact future. Remember, we all have free will. Nothing in life is set in stone, and the future is something you create yourself. ​ - You are not willing to expose your blocks and barriers to help you figure out what's going on so you can take the next steps to move forward ​- You are not open to hearing what messages your spirit guides, the angelic realm, and loved ones who have crossed over have for you.
How do I know if this reading is right for me?This reading is right for you if: - You are ready to make some shifts or changes in your life, but you are unsure what the next steps are​. Readings can help give clarity and put things into perspective. ​- You need confirmation and clarity to help trust your intuitive vibes. It's a way of checking in and having a heart-to-heart with your higher self, spirit guides and the angelic realm. ​- You feel like you are stuck or are in a rut. An oracle card reading can expose your blocks and barriers, helping you figure out what's going on so you can take the next steps to move forward. ​- You are open to hearing whatever messages the oracle cards have for you. Sometimes, it helps to be aware of what the angelic realm, your spirit guides, and the Universe want you to know - instead of only wanting to hear what you think you want to know.
Why do I need to email a picture of myself?Submitting a picture of yourself (no other people or pets) can assist me with connecting to your energies and Higher Self. You can email your picture to or Facebook messenger. Your picture will be kept private and confidential and will be deleted once your reading is completed.
Disclaimer: Although Intuitive Readings are used for spiritual growth and personal development, Intuitive Readings are intended for entertainment purposes only. You must be 18 years of age or older. No guarantees or assurances of any kind are given, and Christine Maunu-Westley and Wisdom Within The Winds will not be held accountable for any interpretations or decisions made by the client based on information provided during readings. Intuitive Email Readings do not predict lottery wins, legal outcomes, illnesses, pregnancies, or deaths, nor do they offer any financial, legal, medical, psychiatric, or other professional advice. Christine Maunu-Westley is not a Financial Advisor, Lawyer, Medical Doctor or Psychologist. Therefore, any information provided/referenced/suggested during the Intuitive Reading is not intended to, nor should it ever, take the place of any financial, legal, medical, psychiatric, or other professional advice of any kind. Christine Maunu-Westley and Wisdom Within The Winds will not be held responsible or liable for any losses/damages/issues arising from the information provided/referenced/suggested during the Intuitive Reading. All decisions made by and all actions taken by the client as a result of any information provided/referenced/suggested during the reading are the sole responsibility of the client, and by purchasing/booking an Intuitive Reading, the client indicates an understanding of these terms and waives any and all ability to take legal action against the reader. By purchasing/booking an Intuitive Email Reading, the client also agrees that they may be contacted by email about their reading.